Craig of the creek porn comics

Download - Craig of the Creek (73 photos). Theme: Kelsey Craig Hentai Craig Kelsey Craig Hentai Craig Craig Creek Naked Craig Kelsey Craig Hentai Craig Kelsey Craig Hentai Craig Craig Craig Craig Naked Kelsey Craig Hentai Craig Kelsey Craig Hentai Craig Craig Creek Naked Craig Hentai Comic Craig Creek Craig from the kingdom of the hentai stream

Read Creek/ Craig x Tweek (South Park) from the story Gay Oneshots by RonicaQuake10 (suckmyweiner) with 2,037 reads. straight, eddsworld, gay. I'm finally read…

“You guys! You guys hurry! It’s Tweek and Craig, dudes! They’re about to have sex!”

I hear a knock on the door as I answer, I smile pulling in Kenny. . . And Craig?! I smile. 'Hey you guys!' Craig smiles looking me up and down. 'Hi, what's wrong?' Kenny hands me a bottle of gin, I look at it and Kenny sighs. 'You either meant alcohol or sex, and I mean I would totally fuck you but Craig would get really annoyed.-' I laugh as Craig slaps Kenny, I laugh. 'What? Would he be annoyed you didn't fuck him or something.' I sit down on my bed drinking, Kenny and Craig sit down as well, Kenny smiles. 'Craig, didn't you get your soulmate tattoo recently?' He nods. 'Yeah, yesterday.' I sit up. 'Me too!' Craig looks at me and smiles. 'I got mine on my collar bone.' I say confused. 'Same?' I quickly tackle Criag on the bed looking at him confused. 'What does your day?!'

He answers resting his hands on my hips. 'Uh, "his hair is sexy the way his fringe complements his every facial feature"? Why?' I answer. 'Mine says "Cuter then any human I've ever seen".' Craig quickly kisses me tackling me to the bed, he rolls over. 'God, I'm so happy I know you're my soulmate.'

I say flustered. 'I need to use the toilet!' I get up and sprint into the bathroom, I look down at my pants to spot my tent. . . Great! Craig knocks on the door. 'Are you ok?' I sigh. 'Promise not tell anyone?' He hums. 'Yeah?' I mutter. 'I'm hard.' Craig sighs. 'So am I.' I splash some water in my face trying to calm myself down, I walk out to see Craig standing there watching me. I watch him as I jump onto him kissing him quickly, he pushes me onto the bed kissing me roughly, he pulls back panting. 'I want to fuck you so hard. . . But I also don't want to lose you.' Craig lays down taking his clothes off and stays only in his boxers, I strip down and get in the bed, I snuggle up to him and smile still half drunk. 'Hmmm, god you're so fucking cute, sexy, handsome and god perfect.' He smiles kissing the top of my head. 'Go to sleep.'

Tweek threw the lemon at Craig. "dONT DO THE THING BEFORE THE RING" he shouted then running out of the coffee shop-

Now, we were in last period, holding hands under the desk in Sex Ed. I didn't really like the class, and it made me blush. Craig would just look at me and chuckle.

We were currently learning the Male Reproductive System, and it made Craig laugh when we were discussing what would be more effective between oral sex or anal sex when I fell out of my seat.

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