Persona 5 gogoanime
A second unaired episode of Persona 5 the Animation will be bundled with the 12th Blu-ray and DVD volume to be released on June 26. Titled "A Magical Valentine...
The series is an anime adaptation of best-selling JRPG, Persona 5, by game developer, ATLUS, first released in Japan in 2016 and subsequently worldwide in 2017. Set in modern Tokyo, PERSONA5 the Animation chronicles the adventures of an eclectic group of teenagers who call themselves the “Phantom Thieves of Hearts.” Together with their metaphysical manifestations known as their Personas, the group seeks to solve crimes by reforming the source of corruption within people’s hearts
— One thing that could’ve helped Persona 5’s narrative was to flesh out the
Cherami leigh’s performance for Makoto is actually one of the reason’s why she really stuck out to me when i was playing the game. She really captures and sells that meditated and composed nature of Makoto while also being able to transition into her more timid and emotionally vulnerable side when necessary. Actually, Ima be straight up; I prefer the english voice cast of Persona 5 to the Jap one. The jap voice actors all dish out strong performances, but the voice directing in the english dub is really strong and most of the acting is nailed so perfectly in that i don’t both listening to the Japanese dub much.
Custom embroider design and pattern featuring the protagonist character from the persona 5 video game series in his Joker form.
If you are wanting to create your own custom embroider project featuring the protagonist character in Joker form from the video game series Persona 5, here is what is included in this package.