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Jungle Fantasy returns with an all-new series unveiling the girls lurid, secret histories before they crashed onto this Jungle planet! Featuring the Vixens, Fauna, Sasha, Lorelei, Ivory, Flora and more! Available with these sexy covers: Regular (& Nude, Transparent Nude) + Lorelei (& Nude, Adult) + Fauna ( & Adult) all by Christian Zanier – Wraparound (& Nude) + Queen Sasha (& Nude) by Raulo Caceres – Sultry (& Nude) + Luscious (& Nude) by Renato Camilo – Ivory (& Nude, Adult) + Rocket Fauna (& Nude, Adult) by Matt Martin – Vixens (& Nude) by Ron Adrian – Century (limited to just 100) by Juan Jose Ryp – lastly, a Fifty Shades Nude by Camilo that is limited to just 50 copies! To see the uncensored nude and adult covers, please visit

The Lookers end up way over the heads in Mexico and Ember may make things worse blazing across the border! The sexiest women in comics have a wild ride from writer Pat Shand and artist Gabriel Andrade! Each issue also has an Ember solo story, written and drawn by Christian Zanier! Available with these sultry covers: Regular (and Nude), Red Hot (and Nude), Wraparound (and Nude and Adult), two Orgy Adult and a set of six Aquatic by Christian Zanier – Workout (and Nude) and GGA Homage (and Nude) by Renato Camilo – Sexy Spies (and Nude) by Raulo Caceres – Luscious (and Nude) by Matt Martin – and a 50 Shades Homage Nude by Camilo that is limited to just 50 copies! To see the uncensored nude and adult covers, please visit

With traitorous blood on her hands, Belladonna now must face the wrath of all three Furies at once! Series artist Nahuel Lopez delivers his most luscious women and vicious battles ever! Available with these sexy covers: Regular (and Nude), Viking Vixen (and Nude) by Lopez – Shield Maiden (and Nude) by Matt Martin – Stunning (and Nude)and Killer Body (and Nude) by Renato Camilo – Wraparound (and Nude) by Raulo Caceres – a special set of six Bath Time covers by Christian Zanier and a set of three Wetworks nude covers by Christian Zanier – and a Fifty Shades Nude by Camilo that is limited to just 50 copies! To see the uncensored nude and adult covers, please visit

Jungle Fantasy returns with an all-new series unveiling the girls lurid, secret histories before they crashed onto this Jungle planet! Featuring the Vixens, Fauna, Sasha, Lorelei, Ivory, Flora and more! Available with these sexy covers: Regular (& Nude, Transparent Nude) + Lorelei (& Nude, Adult) + Fauna ( & Adult) all by Christian Zanier – Wraparound (& Nude) + Queen Sasha (& Nude) by Raulo Caceres – Sultry (& Nude) + Luscious (& Nude) by Renato Camilo – Ivory (& Nude, Adult) + Rocket Fauna (& Nude, Adult) by Matt Martin – Vixens (& Nude) by Ron Adrian – Century (limited to just 100) by Juan Jose Ryp – lastly, a Fifty Shades Nude by Camilo that is limited to just 50 copies! To see the uncensored nude and adult covers, please visit

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The Dark Knight’s fame may be too great for DC’s editors to ever dream of erasing True to the name and ambitions of the book, storytellers Brian Azzarello and Lee Bermejo decided to portray Batman’s body as it actually would appear, down to the one part of Bruce Wayne’s anatomy fans never expected to see in a DC book. This isn’t the first time that DC editorial has stepped in to draw the line for what’s an acceptable level of ‘nudity’ or ‘mature’ content, with Sean Murphy confirming that his uncensored nude scene between Joker and Harley Quinn was censored for publication, while a future, prestige release of the uncensored version was left on the table. For reference, take a look at the version of Batman’s undressing scene issued to retailers on the left, and the digital release on the right:. The ease with which Bermejo was able to remove the nudity may actually go to support those who felt it wasn’t a shock-value stunt, or gimmick, but an artist illustrating the character as he would, naturally, appear. Every reader and editor knows what exists in the black void between Bruce’s hips. If DC felt the artwork crossed a line beyond mature, for any type of release, then fans will surely be waiting to hear an explanation of how the publisher is defining that line. And how their expectations of the Black Label brand may need to change. It would seem strange, in this day and age, to send adult comic book fans to physical bookstores in search of “mature” graphic novels not sold anywhere else, but Batman: Damned 1 is available now from DC Comics and your local comic shop. We and our trusted partners use cookies and tracking technologies to create custom content for your enjoyment and to provide advertising in line with your interests. We respect your privacy and we are committed to safeguarding your privacy while online at our site. The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for this Web site. This Privacy Policy was last updated on May 10, When you visit our Website, we collect certain information related to your device, such as your IP address, what pages you visit on our Website, whether you were referred to by another website, and at what time you accessed our Website. We do not collect any other type of personal data. We and some of our business partners for example, advertisers use cookies on our Website. These cookies track usage of the site for security, analytics and targeted advertising purposes. If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your individual browser options.

Batman’s newest comic has proven how mature it’s going to be in just the first issue, with full-frontal Bruce Wayne nudity. The buzz has been building ever since DC Comics announced DC Black Labelan initiative to unite the best writers and artists – without limits, boundaries, or censorship. And with Batman: DamnedDC has definitely delivered. The story is only just beginning, Dc comics nude no matter how good it gets, it’s already immortalized as “the comic that revealed Batman’s penis. Even then, the comic’s mature content and story stopped at nudity. So when Bruce Wayne strips naked After passing out from multiple stab wounds in a Gotham alley, and waking up in John Constantine’s apartment, Bruce faces some strange facts. His wounds are gone, Joker was murdered on the same bridge he fell from earlier, and he’s hearing

As Martin Scorsese and Joaquin Phoenix prepare to comicss the story of the Joker upside-downa new Batman Dc comics nude book reveals a new, darker side of the Dark Knight: the inside of his tights. Bruce Wayne’s semi-flaccid member is revealed, lurking in the shadows of his exposed crotch, in a panel midway through the debut of a three-issue miniseries called Damned. Much like the World’s Greatest Detective stalking a criminal, it’s a dick so sneaky you might miss it. To see it, swipe to the third panel. Honestly, it’s kind of, er, hard to make out. So here it is again, brightened and circled in red. Because why not? The story follows the Circumcised Crusader Dc comics nude he grapples with amnesia and tries to solve the Joker’s murder—and no, the culprit isn’t Tommy Wiseau’s awful impression of the supervillain. Black Label also has

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